"The China Challenge: the response from Europe and the U.S. - the View from the German Embassies in Beijing & Washington"
Lecture & discussion with
Joern Beissert (Counselor, German Embassy, Washington, DC) (see also the bio below) and Klaus Larres (UNC-Chapel Hill & German Embassy, Beijing)
Thursday, SEPTEMBER 20, 2018 at 5.30pm Location: Pleasants Family Room, Wilson Library (main campus, UNC-Chapel Hill) Free parking available at Cobb deck after 5.00pm
Joern Beissert (Counsellor, German Embassy, Washington, DC)
Joern Beissert is the Counselor for Asia and Security Policy at the German Embassy in Washington, DC. A career diplomat, he has spent a significant part of his professional life in East Asia. Among his posts were Beijing, Shanghai, Tokyo and Taipei where he worked on both political and economic issues. He speaks Chinese and Japanese fluently. He holds Master Degrees in Economics and East Asian Languages from the University of Bonn, Germany.
For Klaus Larres' bio, please see www.klauslarres.org